вторник, 13 октября 2009 г.

Bathroom nice design ideas?

I currently have a marble bathroom with light yellow inside walls and I desired to make a project of painting it something more interesting than a solid dark color, simply does anyone have any nice design ideas/ tips for a first-time painter?

  • Digsining a gloomy place can't be boreing u can use diffrent neutral tiles like light pink and orange or use different things like making a an art project like flowers, grapes , a farm, cows just have fun it doesn't have to be one dark color I suggest a trendy color with brown bathroom tiles
  • There are lots of places to go to learn how to do some simple painting techniques that can be trully cool. A special room is the wonderful place to start, too. Not too much time involved even in a process with few steps.
    Look online for faux painting techniques, or ask at your local paint store. They may have pamphlets or even how to do classes ( my local Home Depot simply does classes, we learned to lay a tile basement floor there.)
    You can maybe find magazines with sharp images, too that could help you decide what you like best.
    A very simple technique starts with a base light color and then uses sponges to dab on one or 2 blending colors to give your outer walls texture and depth.
    Good luck and have fun with it!