вторник, 20 января 2009 г.

I need help designing a marble bathroom?

I have a 10 x10 ft. another area for a shower, cozy toilet, and cabinet. This storage area should also include a little bedroom closet. I will go 10 x 12 if I have to. Any ideas for a pretty layout?

  • Hi, I am Nick the Tile Man
    You can check out my web website, its free and would cost you nothing
  • I suggest going to your local do it yourself store ( private home depot, etc) and looking at excellent example layouts and see if you like any of them and talk to one of those people. Just do what you like..... whether it be a themed bathroom whatever.... just do it! and see what happens
  • check out opposite corner tubs. they are still nice spacious at 4' * 4'. but free up small place along the glass wall for bedroom vanity, cozy toilet etc.... have fun with your project!