среда, 7 января 2009 г.

I Need Bathroom Design Help?

I'm renting out this small house that my landlord use to live in. I guess him and his wife had a some issue for hunter green simply because it is sticked in through out the haunted house. I don't mind it but the common problem is i'm having a tough time coming up with a brown color/ interior design theme for the bathroom. Which is cream and green any ideals?

  • Get some paint swatches of the colors you like, bring them family home and check them out in your marble bathroom. You've already have enough green, so try taupe, blue, there are many shades of those and then accessorize to go with it. Draw the eye away from the green. Roxanne
  • If you go to The Bath Store or B& amp; Q and pick up a bathroom booklet then you will take ideas from that , its quite helpfulllll,
    Or just got new towells and toothbrush holders and facecloths and things like that all in one colour and it could make it look new and refurbished in a way
  • Maybe like a tropical forrest

  • maroon/ burgundy could be a lovely accent dark color in towels and deco pieces...
  • apple green or light green looks soothing in the eyes.. cream is so common already..