суббота, 1 августа 2009 г.

Which of those bathroom designs is best?

here is the link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/9346927@N07/640738899/

  • I like two or three.
  • eight is the most similar to my 1950s small bathroom only it looks spacious. I have no complaints about that layout rough. I could despite that recommend the sink being the closest fixture to the glass door to make it easy for hand-washing only visits.
  • I agree that two & amp; three are the most plumbing efficient, but I think in the long run more people would be happier with five. It keeps the WC a good small more private in case of an & quot; oops fleeting moment& quot; from an unlocked kitchen door. it also gives a very open look to the common place as you enter and & quot; you never got a second chance to make a first impression& quot;. With a very open contrast pattern of wallpaper this will be a perfect special place. Good Luck!
  • two and three could save alot of plumbing.
  • i like five & amp; 10. 10 for the extra counter space and five for the 'privacy' for the comode.